With the Knap'man Compression Shorts.
A long revovery period was what followed for her...
She contacted Knap'man for some compression gear to support her recovery process.
Read her full story below.
In the meantime, I am almost fully recovered from my injury and I started training again. There's only a small calcification in the muscle.
The Knap'man compression pants helps me to reduce muscle pain and sore muscles after my training. Also the power meter shows that I am back at my old level.

"In August last year I was hit by a car during my cycling training. At first sight, it seemed to be okay, and only a few days later I was on my bike again. Doctors and Physiotherapist thought that there was only a bruise. So I kept doing cycling races..
During the races it felt good. But the day after, I could'nt even move my leg anymore. More than enough reason for me to visit my sports doctor again.
Specialists found out that I had suffered a torn muscle in my left upper leg. They recommend me to start wearing the Knap'man compression clothing, to support the upper legs.
From that moment on, I started using the Knap'man compression shorts for my recovery. I immidiataly noticed a reducuction of the swelling and relief in pain.
When the moisture in my legs started to drop down to my knee, Knap'man recommend me to wear their compression long pants.
Of course, in my opinion, recovery went too slow. But at a given moment I didn't noticed any progress anymore. It seemed that my recovery came to an halt.
X-rays at the hospital than showed that the bruises of the torn muscles had started to calcify.
They recommend me to keep moving as long as the pain level allowed me to. And to keep wearing the compression pants.
Combined with shock wave therapy, the calcification should reduce.
Wearing the Knap'man compression pants ensured a relief of pain and a reduction of the swelling.
Fortunately, at this moment (april 2020), I am alomst completely recoverd from my injury and I can participate in all the training again.
Physiotherapists and sports doctors state that my recovery went faster than they have had expected based on the injury.
Even the cycling power meters shows that I am on my way to my old level. Actually at a higher level that ever...
About the Knap'man compression pants? I keep wearing them, because they help me to recover faster and reduce muscle pain and sore muscles!